The Practical Astrologer

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The Year of the Cosmic Capital Infusion

Thanks to all of you who attended the Let’s Talk About 2020 Foresight webinar and survived me getting used to talking to camera with only Huntington as my scene partner demanding to be tucked under his covers. Oof! However, in 2020, my plan is to have these monthly remote astro convos so that our stargazing will be more interactive (because the heaven’s know I’m utterly incapable of writing normal fare horoscopes — lol).

And for those of you who weren’t able to make it, here are the highlights:

Thought Experiment | Me, Inc.

Imagine your life as “Me, Inc.”. So, in astrological terms: Let’s look at your “Big 3” as your C-Suite:

Your Sun is the CEO who makes makes the decisions as to your mission and what initiatives and involvements keep you on side so that you nurture you and that your light shines so that others might share in the divine spark you’re carrying around.

Your Moon is the COO who discerns if your exchanges with the external world are optimizing operations AND manages the team inside you (Mercury/communications and resource management, Venus/the bottom line, and Mars/the enforcer and muscle) to make sure that they keep the day-to-day going in the right direction.

Then, your Ascendant is your CMO who is in charge of asserting your brand in the most effective way possible in the markets in which “Me, Inc.” wants to operate.

So, what do the transpersonals, Jupiter and Saturn, and the outers, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, do?

Think of Jupiter as the “Cosmic Investor”. He brings you the capital, resources, benefactors, and circumstances you need to grow any venture.

Saturn, otoh, is the “Cosmic Auditor” who is continually holding you to your soul contract and relevance to the social reality in which you operate by questioning the value and relevance to this contract of your processes, relationships, and assets under management.

The outers serve as external events that trigger processes that you need to engage in (and best to get ahead of them): Uranus wants innovation, change, to test your agility and resourcefulness; Neptune wants authentic connection and expression of ultimate truth; and Pluto wants power, real wealth (aka meaning and vulnerability), and purity.

2019 | Discovery + The Audit

All that to sum up 2019:

Jupiter in Sagittarius was in a discovery period, looking for what to invest his bounty in, what target at which to take his shot. It might’ve felt euphoric and gluttonous like riding in a private jet snorting coke on your way to Davos surrounded by the kinds of people who feel like they’re opening your mind up wider than its ever been. But it didn’t help that he and Neptune kept clashing with each other so that, when you thought, this is it! I’ve got the target in my cross hairs, BUT NO. The fog would roll in, “Is this really what I want to do? Is this really me? Are these really my people? Is this my world?”

Then, in Capricorn, we had and continue to have Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node holding the kind of audit that makes undergoing the Ancient Egyptian Trial of Osiris (in which your heart is weighed against the Feather of Truth to determine if you get an afterlife or if your soul gets eaten by the Devourer) look like a walk in the park. Saturn and Pluto have been set up in this part of the sky for several years now and was joined by the South Node at the end of 2018. So, what are they on after? All they want to know is:

  • What do you offer the social contract/the social reality in which you live?

  • How do your current operations at ‘Me, Inc.’ make you more or less relevant and effective?

  • What efficiencies and synergies can ‘Me, Inc.’ enact in order to increase wealth (aka meaning) and improve the world in which you operate?

Finally, the North Node (aka Rahu) has been in (and continues to be until May 2020) Cancer immersing us in the terra incognita we must explore in terms of creating safe, nurturing spaces in which to experience our own and others vulnerability in a way that grows connection, imagination, intuition — aka HOME and why we participate in society in the first place.

Look to the houses in which Jupiter/Sagittarius, Saturn, Pluto, SN/Capricorn, and North Node/Cancer occupy as well as any planets they glance in order to review the resonance of the above with what has been happening with you.

2020 | The Capital Infusion

You’ve probably heard a lot of uproar in astro circles about “Oh no! Jupiter in Capricorn! It’s gonna be a disaster because it’s the sign of Jupiter’s fall.” HOGWASH.

Sure, we’d all love for life to be a continual party of expansion and growth, BUT get REAL. It’s been that attitude towards the economy and our environment that has now led us to existentially threatening climate change and gross income inequality that leads to the tearing of the social fabric, mental illness, gender inequality, and increased levels of crime and violence — all the result of a growth all costs economy based on exchanging an arbitrary measure of imagined worth (aka fiat currency) for dopamine fixes instead of one that is based on the values that unite us and manifest in meaning and harmony. Unfocused and rampant growth is cancer — that’s Jupiter stuck in Sagittarius = the Party Boy with unlimited resources and nothing in particular to do with them.

In Capricorn, Jupiter is the Party Boy changing into a grey, flannel suit, and ready to grow the family fortune rather than squander it. With Saturn (mythologically Dad) and Pluto (older brother who Dad swallowed up whole) also in residence, we get to be ringside while some interesting family dynamics play out.

Think of Jupiter as that Cosmic Investor who is now bringing you a capital infusion at an inflection point that has manifested because of Saturn’s audit and Pluto’s demolition to discover the hidden wealth that needs to be mined.

As in any investment process, the first part of the year will be spent defining how this capital is meant to be deployed — and that will be along the lines of the groundwork Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node have laid out. Divest what isn’t necessary. Pour energy into what will actually grow meaning for you and increase your value in the world in which you function.

Eclipses | A Disaster Is an Opportunity by Another Name

Use any shake-ups from the eclipses (dates listed below with degrees — look to see if you have planets or points near these degrees) to blast through any remaining bullshit, overages, barriers to entry, release relationships that aren’t value added and anything else that obscures your clarity of vision regarding Me, Inc.’s value prop:

  • ☉ December 25, 2019 (or December 26, 2019) 4°♋︎

  • ☽ January 10, 2020 20°♋︎

  • ☽ June 5, 2020 15°♐︎

  • ☉ June 20, 2020 0°♋︎

  • ☽ July 4, 2020 13°♑︎

  • ☽ November 30, 3030 8°♊︎

  • ☉ December 14, 2020 23°♐︎

Remember, if you’ve been trimming your trees so to speak and/or the eclipse doesn’t glance anything mathematically in your chart, then nothing may happen. Instead, be ready to support those around you that might feel its effects.

Chatty Cathy Venus | Because You’re Only as Strong as Your Team’s Least Connected Link

In 2020 Venus will have a retrograde cycle in Gemini from May 12 - June 24, 2020, meaning that she will be in the sign of the twins from April 4 - August 7, 2020. When you get down to the bare bones of it, Venus is Me, Inc.’s CFO — with her eye trained on the bottom line because her whole thing is values and value.

During this long stay in Gemini, expect her to use this as a time period focused on several important issues:

  • What is the “corporate language” of Me, Inc. (e.g., how are you defining yourself, how are you communicating this to the outer world, are there any skills or new ways of speaking that you need to adopt)?

  • What team/human resources do you need to gather to you to execute your mission? How does this team configuration aggregate your talents, passions, skills so that you have a healthy interdependence and mirror each other? How do you define your team dynamics and the space in which you collaborate?

  • What kind of language and systems make sure you’re values aligned within the team?

You may find that the period up until May 12th is all about gathering information, the retrograde will be a period of testing, and then the direct period will be one of implementation and being on the same plate.

Mars in Aries for 6 months | Because What’s Money Without Action?

Finally (yeah, at this point, you wish you’d just attended the webinar, right?), the long ass passage of Mars in Aries from June 28, 2020 to January 6, 2021 — yup 6 months. Mars usually gets through a sign in at most a couple of months, BUT this year he spends 6 months in his home sign — where he will be strong but will clash with the Capricorn crew! The upside — Capricorn loves Mars so, ultimately, any planets there will do what they can to make sure Mars succeeds — so, keep in mind, the best way to navigate a fight/argument/negotiation for the most positive result possible is to get everyone involved to focus on common values and mission. It isn’t about being right — it’s about making it out together.

What this means in terms of our Me, Inc. analogy?

Launch time. Mars is our muscle. It’s our expenditure of energy. Aries is all about initiation AND courageously going where angels fear to tread with the confidence that you can and will handle anything that happens. Think of the first part of Mars direct as the “soft launch”, the retrograde as when you’ll need to refine, retool, tweak in order to exploit the second direct phase for your “hard launch”, your real debut of the re-branded, well capitalized Me, Inc.

Extra Credit
If You Want to Really Nerd It Up…

During the webinar, I proposed that the participants game through the Branding Worksheet that I use with my strategic consulting clients as a way to get clear on the brand and mission you (and the Universe through you) are investing your time, attention, and energy in 2020.

On an astrological note, it might help by starting with summarizing 2019 through the following two filters:

  • Research + Discovery + Development aka Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius. Look at your chart and review what house Sagittarius spans as well as what planets Jupiter glanced on his way through. What area of your life has been massively expanded and has received a huge influx of opportunities? Which of these opportunities will allow you to dig deeper into meaning while generating value for others vs. those which sounds “cool” but don’t necessarily have legs to do the long run?

  • Audit what you offer to the social contract, how you have been delivering that (aka the theme of South Node, Saturn, and Pluto going through Capricorn), and make 2 lists — one of what responsibilities, relationships, boundaries were removed or have to go in order for you to grow as well as what areas in life you’ve steadily been gaining responsibilities, authority, master, and give you long term structure. Again, look to see what house Capricorn spans in your chart and what planets these three have been looking at.

Where the branding worksheet then calls on you to create a “branding book”, feel free to create a vision board instead — one that will serve as both inspiration, grounding, and accountability partner in the year to come.

As a bonus astrological round to this exercise, you can do a separate journaling exercise to relate your “Branding Bio” to how relevant it is to:

  • Your Ascendant | What are you focused on initiating and bringing into your consciousness in relation to your “brand”/Capricorn related house? What new investment/capital or higher level paradigms (Jupiter) do you need to bring in as fuel and/or guiding principles into the initiatives that the audit has deemed value worthy to grow? What initiatives are no longer value added and need to be de-prioritized or edited out?

Now, define your metrics for measuring "progress”:

  • Your Sun | How does your brand’s mission, unique selling prop, core values, and vision keep you on track to take the actions you need to nurture you?

  • Your Moon | How do you need for your tribe (the one as defined in the worksheet) to nurture you? (Yes, you are providing a “service”. However, there is an energy exchange, and you need to be clear on what it is you want in return so that you recognize it.)

The PDF is best used with Adobe as it prompts you as to the material to populate in the blanks. If any of you has issues with this or need a quick reminder of where Sagittarius and Capricorn fall in your chart, drop me a line and I’ll email you the field properties.