Big Time Sensuality

The Enlightenment of the Flesh

it takes courage to enjoy it
the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality
— Björk, Big Time Sensuality

Hurrah! Taurus season started yesterday and goes through May 20th!

Aries Season — ruled by Mars — was all about seizing the initiative and fearlessly stepping off proverbial cliffs with the faith that your wings would deploy (or that you’d survive the fall) — because the process was all about what the fight reveals about you to yourself.

Taurus, otoh, is ruled by Venus — the planet that sates our physical and earthly desires so that we are then freed up to seek the essential. The process of Taurus is immersing the Consciousness in the visceral experience of beauty in order to achieve the ecstasy of perceiving all of Creation through a body. Taurus season is meant to awaken you to the joy of being a soul encased in flesh and to gift you with the meaning, context, and understanding of Universal order via a singular devotion to cultivating the conditions in which beauty is able to thrive.

When the Sun is in this sign, he’s shining a light on how you connect to your body and its capabilities on a basic, sensual level, how you create stability for that body, and how both of those factor in to how you nurture yourself.

The interesting bit this Taurus season (besides being locked down for, at least, the first part of it) is that Venus, Taurus’ ruler, will be in Gemini and in a state called “Out of Bounds” and dancing over the ground she’ll retread when she goes retrograde on May 13th. Planets out of bounds are wild — they answer to no one. Here Venus is that teenage girl, home alone, with access to the internet, a car, a black American Express card, AND her social influencer side hustle has already made her financially independent so probably doesn’t have to go to college if she doesn’t want to. You get the picture…

And she is hungry for experience simply for the satisfaction of knowing.

Combine that with the fact that she is now Sun’s dom in Taurus and we’re all in for really leaning into collectively and individually a no-holds barred quest to understand our essential stability and bodily needs. Venus in Gemini wants to know it all and Sun in Taurus puts the body at Venus’ disposal. Once the Sun shifts to Gemini and joins Venus, we’ll be able to translate what we learned in Taurus season into the ideas that need to fuel how we reshape society and our individual lives in a Post COVID19 world.

With that said,
here are some key transits to watch this week:

TUESDAY, APRIL 21 | The Sun in Taurus squares off against Saturn in Aquarius.

We all know these two planets will tolerate each other on a good day and loathe each other on a bad one. Well, the latter is the case tomorrow. Sun in Taurus wants to revel in the joys of the body in the value of the present moment WHILE Saturn in Aquarius is like, “What about the future?!? Don’t lollygag! Humanity NEEDS YOU!” Authority figures or pressing obligations to others might make you feel guilty for wanting to be simple, to take things slowly and one step at a time, to eat that slice of chocolate cake. Try to strike a balance — either get your chores over right quick and get to the fun stuff OR see how listening to your intuitive and real timing is able to contribute STABILIZING ACTION to a shared project so that you aren’t wasting effort on FALSE PRODUCTIVITY.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 | The New Moon at 3°24’ Taurus.

This new moon will still be close enough to squaring Saturn and Mars and conjoining Uranus that, if you are doing new moon intentions, my recommendation is to wait until Friday, April 24th, mid-morning/early afternoon PST. In layman’s terms, while the new moon might be exalted in Taurus (her favorite place in the sky to visit), she’s Little Red Riding Hood dodging three Big Bad Wolves on her way to Nanna’s House.

Moon represents what we need from others and the environment to feel nurtured and secure. In Taurus, this usually involves affectionate and sensual touch, good food, reliability, simplicity. When she faces off against Saturn and Mars, she has to firstly justify her needs or settle for what she can get and then she has to fight for her right to be the way she is. Then, when she Uranus pulls her into his electrified lap it involves pulling the rug out from under her — because he’s trying to make her see what it is she’s really asking for. It ain’t the walk in a perfumed garden with a lovely picnic spread whilst lounging around in a silk caftan that Luna usually enjoys in Taurus.

But, take heart! Look at this as a distillation process. Making rose hydrosol involves boiling and ultimately destroying those velvety, highly pigmented roses; but what you get is their most powerful essence that will last far longer than the roses themselves and will serve so many more purposes than just to touch and smell them. Take what the gauntlet that Saturn, Mars, and Uranus throw down and get to the essence of your Taurus Lunar needs when you set your intentions — you’ll be reaping these at the Full Moon in Taurus on October 31, 2020.

SATURDAY, APRIL 25 | Mercury square Pluto.

Oh boy. If ever there was an aspect where it’s a coin flip in how to deal with it, this is the one. Mercury in Aries wants you to speak your truth NOW, this moment, unfiltered, knowing that you can deal with whatever fallout comes — but then there’s Uncle Pluto in Capricorn with consequences of a profound nature. Your personal truth vs. your social worth. What you really think vs. the power of your social rank. Explosively blowing open an issue with your intellect to separate yourself from to see what shakes out vs. doing the deep, detoxifying, meditative dive that immerses you even more deeply into the relationships that bind you to it.

On the one hand, you might want to count to 10 before you respond to provocations from people who hold power over you in one way or another. On the other hand, you could just go for it and see what happens. It depends on your appetite for risk and for facing reality as it is and knowing you’ll have to act on the changes that are required after the conflict.



It’s the season explore what your sensual body needs to experience ecstasy and remove the barriers between you and who (or what) wants to give you that journey.

Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.

Out of Bounds


Your Deep Driving Desire