Your Deep Driving Desire

A Week of Lessons in Self Mastery

You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.
— The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Oof. Mercury is finally out of Pisces! WOOOOHOOOO!!! Time for straight talk — because sometimes it’s better to call it like it is and deal with the fall out rather than swim around in a sea of ambiguities questioning your grasp of reality…and just in time:

This week is starting off with a waning moon in Capricorn AND it hasn’t come to play. Moon fundamentally represents what we need from others and our environment to feel nurtured and secure. In Capricorn — the sign of sucking it up, maintaining a stiff upper lip, and taking what you know is on offer because asking for more is indulgent — the Moon often settles for what she knows she can get rather than what she knows she needs. But, SOMETIMES (not all the time), we need this — even though it can leave us feeling our eyes stinging as we fight back the frustrated tears that want to flow. Times of scarcity and those that demand individuals focus on a larger, commonly held mission (especially now that Saturn is in Aquarius), require that we do what’s good for the common weal — make do (or figure out how to make gold) with our rations, remain self contained, do our duty and defer our reward.

The moon goes over Capricorn from Sunday at 5:05p PST to Wednesday 12:37a PST. The sky isn’t falling — you have this. This year has been all about making our methods of self discipline, structure, and how we bring out value to market truly SERVE our fundamental needs to be nurtured and experience our vulnerability as a strength. This moon is a spot check on how we’re coming along with this process.

Our bigger fish to fry is wrapping Aries season up before the sun moves into Taurus on Sunday, April 19. With Mercury FINALLY in Aries, straight talk, relieving tension via speaking your mind and communicating your truth in the moment as it is gives the Sun (what you need to nurture yourself, how you share the divine light) what it needs to carry out its agenda in Aries — to experience purely the concept described by the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad:


Wherever Aries is in your chart is where you need to be able to say “fuck it” and just do it regardless of consequence — because in doing so, you meet YOU in that exhilarating, terrifying, liberating process of the most important love affair you’ll ever have — the one with your self.

With the quarantine and Mars (the ruler of Aries) in Capricorn for the majority of the season, this has been a much more interior, reflective, contained process than previous Aries seasons. Perhaps, the main manifestation is recognizing an area of life in which you know you’re in a rut — where you have been slogging for a very long time, played by the rules, deferred to your elders and superiors, delayed gratification for some abstract reward. NOW, you see that whatever that is doesn’t reflect you anymore — it doesn’t allow you to nurture yourself or may even block you from accepting yourself as you are (the very definition of self love and happiness) because you’ve yet to “live up” to an external expectation…And the Aries sun (especially after Mars met Saturn in Aquarius on March 31st) is spurring you to make a change.

AWESOME SAUCE…But get your fire suit on — because you know what else Aries likes to do? Fight — for what it wants, for what’s right — and that’s what this week may call on you to do.

Notable dates and transits:


The Sun runs up against Pluto (still lurking in Capricorn). Time to turn the lights on in the basement and see what’s really worth keeping in terms of the responsibility, duty bound, socially responsible structures and relationships in your life — and see what doesn’t serve you. When the Sun and Pluto clash, darkness, toxicity, dysfunction have to be consciously examined so that the alchemical transformation can take place that gives you access to your real power — your power and agency to transform your life. Mercury getting on Chiron’s back today will help you in this process and allow for frank conversations about wounding around survival issues to facilitate healing. This is the part of the above quote of you recognizing your desire and harnessing your will to it.


The Sun then comes up against Jupiter — the planet of expansion, grace, wisdom. When these two are at odds, look out for going overboard. Here are two big daddy energies busting out the rulers and having a pissing contest. On one hand, you may be like “I got through Pluto, now bring it! I want what I want when I want it!” But take a beat before you charge. Jupiter’s probably presenting you with some terms that he needs you to meet precisely because he’s game to match your investment in yourself — but Jupiter needs to know your deed will be the genuine manifestation of your will.


Sun’s last day in Aries for the year. Watch for themes that are wrapping out in terms of the personal directives and initiatives you want to focus on. Often when a planet leaves a sign, it gives you a “farewell” present — this being the Sun, this may be something that gives you the go ahead.

Mercury, the planet of communication, commerce, and anything that connects two points in a line, will be in flowing aspects to both Mars and Venus. Speaking your truth, no matter how scary that might be for you will facilitate the action you need to take to move yourself into alignment with a higher mission (Mars in Aquarius — how do you bring your individual action into a wider context to better humanity and the larger circles in which you move) and attract to you the information, network, collaborators, cogitators who will be part of your leveling up (Venus going wild and crazy out of bounds in Gemini — but more about her next week).

Watch out though, the moon will be Pisces from Friday morning to Monday at midnight. It may lead to more porous boundaries between you an others — which might be great. Whilst in our respective quarantine caves, it’s nice to know we’re still connected to a collective.



You might have to don your fire suit so make sure to moisturize and hydrate before you put it on.

Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.

Big Time Sensuality


Eyes Wide Open