Eyes Wide Open

Make hay while the Sun is up + Exalted

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
— T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland

Aries Season has been upon us but now we’re at an inflection point as the sun’s current ruler moves out of exaltation (basically being treated like a rockstar) in Capricorn and into Aquarius. There’s been a shift in the energy from relentlessly and methodically figuring out how to make space for fearlessness and courage in one part of your life to doing so in order to harmonize your individual efforts with a higher, more connected and service oriented calling.

As discussed at Sunday’s Fireside Chat, this week’s transits are a gamut — any one of them happening alone would be capable of creating a defining year but we have them happening back-to-back — only months on the heels of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.


Mars met Saturn in Aquarius — the desire to act, cut away, assert — especially in matters to do with harmonizing personal mission with collective vision — met cold hard reality of what boundaries, responsibilities, structures really no longer serve us as a society and civilization. On a personal level, this might have played out in recognizing that what you’re doing now to sustain your mundane reality no longer is at odds with a recognition that your actions, activities, the investment of your attention needs greater meaning and context.

On Friday, April 3rd,

poor drunk, bedraggled Mercury wanders straight into the opium den of Neptune in Pisces. Mercury has struggled here what seems like an eternity in Pisces — communication, business, exchanges of all sort have felt like that moment before general anesthesia kicks in — when you’re fighting for consciousness but the darkness just gets you. Friday is best used for connecting to your intuition — meditate, journal, dance around the house until your so tired you collapse, nap, vision board — allowing what you’ve been processing subconsciously to bubble up. Worry about decoding later.

Then Jupiter makes his first visit to older brother Pluto on

Saturday, April 4th,

though we’ve been feeling the build up to this one for a while. The last time these two met up with December 11, 2007; this time around they link up three times — April 4, June 30 (retrograde), and then November 12.

Jupiter struggles in Capricorn, the house of his father Saturn. He isn’t used to the demands of regimentation, of dotting the i’s, crossing the t’s, following all the nuances of bureaucratic intricacies. He wants to fly to the top of the summit but Capricorn’s rules demand that he trod up the narrow, steep path, step-by-step like everyone else in a grey flannel suit. Pluto’s been here for what feels like ages, doing his detox thing, purging what is rotten and no longer serves in order to find and give us the real wealth. Bring these two together and it could be a powder keg to light up the patriarchy’s stomach and jailbreak the rest of the Olympians out. So, be cautious with this energy — on a personal level, it could lead to the kind of revolution you need to understand what your true power is over your current circumstances and relationship to authority and the system — and what that understanding is now calling you to do. Mark what reveals itself to you today as you’ll be revisiting it in June and November.

To sweeten the day though, Venus, who moves from her comfy farmhouse in Taurus into Gemini on Friday, makes nice with Saturn in Aqua — follow your sense of beauty down those intellectual rabbit holes and maybe you’ll find the solutions you need to manifest IRL.

Mission, Vision, Manifestation

Also, with the lockdown, so many of us are confronting the question of authenticity, focus, investment of attention and effort, and I’ve been asked repeatedly to host a webinar that combines my astro and consulting work to walk through using astrology as a tool to guide personal re-branding. So, stay tuned. It’s in process. If you are interested, please let me know here to help me gage what makes sense in the number of participants, etc.



We are in an unprecedented time to collectively recognize how we, as a species, must engage in breaking inherited socio-economic, political, and personal behavior patterns and behaviors that no longer serve to us as a civilization and individually.

Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.


Your Deep Driving Desire


A Time to Transform