A Time to Transform

From Caterpillar to Butterfly

Some things, when they change, never do return to the way they once were. Butterflies for instance…
— Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic

Huge apologies for not contacting you until now! February wound up being intense with consultations — it’s as if there was a collective but very subconscious anticipation for preparing for the next 6 months vibrating in the ether…then I had to quarantine early because I have several conditions that put me in the “high risk” bucket.


Astrologers (and several futurists, including myself) having been predicting for years that 2020 would be the time of a massive civilization-level paradigm shift away from the decaying patriarchal socioeconomic, political, and relationship models to one that is holistic, interconnected and based on liberating humanity and individuals into lives full of meaning and context (rather than status and stuff). However, the majority of us did not anticipate that it would be precipitated by a pandemic (though there are probably some mundane and medical astros out there who saw this coming).

For those of you who attended the “Let’s Talk About 2020” Webinar or who read the summary newsletter, I’m still doubling down on 2020 being a year of Cosmic Capital Infusion.

Our time social distancing from each other is an OPPORTUNITY to do a deep dive to

understand what meaning you’re truly looking for

what unique talents and value you contribute to collective well being

what weaknesses you need shored up (especially those that will benefit from the help of others)

inventory + set goals about what/who is really worth the investment of your time and attention.

With that said, I’m here to offer service in the way that I can — helping you navigate how this current starscape affects you and what challenges and opportunities it’s prompting you to take on — so you can emerge from this crisis chrysalis a butterfly ready to ride the wind.



We were born for the challenges and opportunities of this time!

Each and every one of us is here NOW because we possess the unique talents, skills, and vision to shape the time to come!

Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.


Eyes Wide Open


Time Keeps on Spinning…