Time Keeps on Spinning…

So Fly Like and Eagle

The same substance composes us—the tree overhead, the stone beneath us, the bird, the beast, the star — we are all one, all moving to the same end.
— PL Travers, Mary Poppins

Oh, Eclipse Season. I hope that for those of you who experienced any sudden seeming shake-ups, transformations, or the culminations of releasing are able to use the next couple of waning moon weeks to get centered for the coming of the Lunar New Year on January 25, 2020.

As for me, the solar eclipse wiped me out! I suspected that it might given where it was set to fall in my chart; but, as a fever spiked up to 102.5° as the solar eclipse perfected on Christmas Day, you should’ve seen my “ha ha, joke’s on me! Eclipses are unpredictable” face.

Also, it sounds like a lot of you had mixed results for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction on Sunday, January 12th. My (contrary to popular — of course! I have Uranus rising) read was that it would be a non-event for the most part because of the combustion from the Sun. With the Sun right on top of Saturn and Pluto, it was like the two of them were too heatstroked to be able to make the mischief that they could’ve (though, Huntington did try to re-enact Saturn eating Pluto as he attempted to eat roadkill on our morning walk literally at the moment the conjunction was perfecting). Also, if you were already nose to the grindstone working on whatever Saturn has heaped on your plate, Saturn was like “Oh, look at that — doing their reps and working hard. I’ll leave them to it.”

Anyhow, all that to get us to the point that 2020 might’ve started off rough and/or humbling, but what the eclipses did was to get us firmly on clean slates and grounded so that we can leap into this rare period when all of the planets are direct until our first Mercury Retrograde of 2020, which starts on February 17/18 (depending on where you’re at in the world).

With Venus now in her version of Disneyland (aka exalted in Pisces) and Mercury and the Sun moving towards Aquarius (the sign that is all about making the future now), it’s a perfect time to get out of analysis and strategy mode and time to find the peeps who are going to make your plans real.

As part of my experiment to create a forum to talk through monthly transits (instead of writing you a tome of a newsletter), you’re invited to February’s free webinar:

Let’s Talk About | February 2020

Q+A Webinar via Zoom
Thursday, January 30 @ 8:30p PST

The evening will start with a chat on how to use the direct motion of all of the planets to initiate and/or reinvigorate projects, relationships before the Mercury Retrograde and what themes or issues it might bring (back). But, really, I want this to be a discussion and would like to devote the bulk of the webinar to

The REAL FUN! Questions, interactions, pick my brain to your heart’s content, please!

Space is limited to 30. A recording of the session will be made so that attendees.

Please reserve your spot:




Eclipse season grounded us…now it’s time to JUMP.

Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.


A Time to Transform
