The Practical Astrologer

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Sometimes Opportunity Visits Twice

So answer the door…

Hopefully, over the weekend, the Sagittarius moon gave you some space to breathe and the Capricorn moon helped get your feet on some solid ground (even if doing so might’ve involved a spot of scarcity worry).

Because now it’s time to KEEP COOL + GET YOUR GAME FACE ON.

If you want to watch my take on this week’s starscape, check my latest IGTV post.

Otherwise, as mentioned last week, Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter are all shifting direction to retrograde — which means they’ll appear to go backwards in the sky. Planetary retrogrades are a popular scapegoat for things going cockeyed or belly up…and, yes, when a planet changes direction (whether moving backwards or forwards), this results in instability regarding that planet’s themes, its agenda for the houses it rules in your chart, and in the area that it is transiting in your chart. (If you need a copy of your chart, hit me up.)

BUT what is really going on?

It’s all about this week’s quote: What’s meant for you will NOT pass you by — and that means lessons your soul came here to learn and the purpose you are to live.

The arrow of time flies straight. Consciousness moves forward through one’s timeline, often chasing ego-driven directives that one is convinced is an expression of who one wants to be rather than the allowing one’s “self” to manifest. Oftentimes, this means we “miss” something — whether that’s a key step or an opportunity — because we’re so focused on the destination that we wind up glossing over the process.

When planets retrograde, something we missed along the way loops back to us so that we can re-cognize and re-appropriate it. Oftentimes — not gonna sugar coat it — this does require some kind of crisis or disappointment — because as human beings we habitually operate under the “if it ain’t broke, why fix it?” model.


Saturn’s relatively short stay in his town house of Aquarius is coming to a close for now and he starts packing to head back to his country seat of Capricorn (which happens on July 2nd). While he’s been here, we’ve gotten a glimpse of what the “new economy” needs to look like when he comes back to Aquarius in December to stay for 2.5 years.

We’ve been given notice that we need to reevaluate the ways in which we conceive of what it means to be a “human being” and what it means to be a cell in the macro-organism that is the human species. With his backwards trek through, we’ll be asked to reevaluate what boundaries and limitations have to be removed in order for us to fully harmonize with the large organizations, corporations, humanitarian causes, and our social networks of friends and benefactors who help us get shit done. We’ll have to cull through and revise our deeply held dreams and wishes so that we only keep those on our docket that truly manifest our values and are worthy of not only our investment but the investment of all those we are connected to.

Once Saturn gets back into Capricorn, it’ll be time to revisit the plans, strategies, and nuts and bolts needed to execute our projects — and make sure the car is really roadworthy for the long trip ahead…but more about that in July.


With Venus’ retrograde in Gemini for the next 40 days, look out for ways in which you’re being called to re-examine how you gather information when you engage in relationships, generate value for yourself, or attract pleasure and material security to yourself. You might be asked to see if you are a victim of your own confirmation bias when going through the process of information gathering in these areas.

Do you have a habit of seeing (potential) partners the way you want to see them (or need for them to be) instead of how they really are? Do you allow yourself to miss the finer details of how a work situation mirrors back to you your worth instead of perceiving how it might be distorting your perception of the gifts and contributions you really bring to the table — and that you either have to correct the situation or find a career path that more accurately reflects your values, talents, and purpose?

Pay attention to how your norms around relationship and earned income are challenged to push past what you know and accept.

Mercury moving into Gemini today and Mars moving into Pisces tomorrow will actually lend you a lot of support in this process. Mercury is now hosting Venus in his house. Mercury respects her and wants to take care of her and help her work through her issues. It’s like having a host who is okay with you being drunk, holding your hair whilst you’re worshiping the porcelain god, and makes sure you get tucked in with a water bottle beside the bed. Thought processes are firmly rational and communications will be quicker, clearer less emotional — which helps when processing deeply subjective topics such as relationship and personal worth.

Mars, even though he’ll eventually come into a dynamic clash with Venus, is in Pisces — the sign of Venus’ exaltation. Mars adores Venus. He wants to use all of his get up and go to help her — which means acting flexibly, reading the situation intuitively and going with the flow. When they do clash, it’ll be the kind of lovers’ quarrel where they are both fighting passionately to work things out — not to win — but we’ll talk about that more when it’s approaching.


Remember that Jupiter is our fund matcher. His expansive vision and reach feel constrained in Capricorn — he’s a party boy that doesn’t really do well strapped into a grey flannel suit. However, retrograde is another story.

In jyotish (Indian astrology) it’s believed that a retrograde planet in the sign of its fall will still act contrary to how it should behave BUT will yield the benefits of its exalted sign. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer (the sign opposite to Capricorn) where he is a motherfucking rockstar and treated like the belovéd son and momma’s boy that he is.

So, how to play this one? Up until this point, you’ve probably successively been narrowing down your docket of opportunities that sprung up last year when Jup was in his home sign of Sagittarius. Now is the time to give them the twice over — or maybe even some opportunities you thought passed you by return — look at them again.

Jupiter Retrograde is asking you to find the value in something that might appear on the surface to be busted in some way (think the way someone who works in distressed debt, M&A, or private equity chop shop would examine an opportunity). There’s a little bit of a trick to it — to find that not obvious value proposition that is now super relevant and build a case for growing it.

Jupiter wants to invest in you; and when he’s retrograde, the name of the game is learning how he brought you luck and opportunity and recreating it for yourself.


Don’t follow the herd. Stay calm and centered. Be willing to pivot and go with the flow. What’s meant for you is coming straight at you if you’re willing to see it.

Stationary Retrograde Dates:

May 10 | Saturn @ 1°47’ Aquarius
May 12 | Jupiter @ 27°14’ Capricorn
May 14 | Venus @ 21°50’ Gemini