The Practical Astrologer

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Venus Finally at Home…

And ready to get her due.

Tonight Venus finally leaves Virgo and enters Libra — one of her home signs — just as Mercury retrogrades back into Libra from Scorpio.

Both will now enter the scrum that’s been transpiring between Capricorn (Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn) and Aries — but, truly, my hot take?

This is what Venus lives for when she’s in Libra!

Sure, in Taurus, Venus expects her tributes in the form of pleasure, sensuality, languorous looks and caresses to her lavish limbs…but, in Libra, we are reminded that Venus is also a planet of war who also delights in tributes of tears, blood, and sacrifice. (Fun fact: The Mayans, whose star gazing and time keeping was so advanced that scientists still haven’t fully grasped the full extent of the knowledge we lost with the passing of their civilization, timed waging wars according to the condition of Venus.) Unlike Mars, Venus wants these tributes wrought into existence by establishing justice, balance, and divine harmony.

After the analysis and inventory taking Venus underwent whilst in Virgo — encouraging you to examine the function and efficiency of relationships, values, how you attract what brings you security and pleasure, even literally inventorying and editing your closets or your makeup bags, Venus is ready to do what she does best — ORCHESTRATE HARMONY — and that’s just what she intends to do when it comes to the clash between Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn (as they are hell bent on reforming societal and economic paradigms) and Mars (still retrograde) in Aries (figuring out how the individual is meant to be and act in this new system).

Negotiation. Empathy. Productive conversation.

Venus in Libra will teach us the value of entering into conflict with the attitude that we all lose if there’s a loser. So, between now and November 21, is a great time to practice active listening — repeat back to whoever you might find yourself in a dynamic situation with what it is you understand they are saying to you to make sure you’ve heard them — as well as to help them feel seen. Enter into negotiations keeping at the forefront that you won’t settle until both you and the person on the other side of the table get what it is you want — not at one or the other’s expense — but as a function of expressing and tapping into shared values.