When Night Falls…

See what’s truly there.

The ultimate act of power is surrender.
— Krishna Das

2020 hit its hardest personal blow for me yet. My sweet pup, Montgomery, who has been my constant companion for almost twelves years since he came home at age four months, passed away unexpectedly last week. He was my first dog and my first pet to go back to the bardo since 2001. In this most recent incarnation, he’d chosen an incredibly “colorful” birth chart — full of the joy of living and living life to the fullest and finally choosing to leave on his own terms.

I mention it, not to be morbid nor to elicit sympathy but because my current process of finding meaning in what he taught me during our time together as well as in the final process of fighting against an illness that we both had to surrender to seems to be in line with the starscape facing us through the end of October and into November.

As we discussed during the October Astro Tea Time, October is the denouement of the Great Reset 2020 — a time of final standoffs and being weighed — especially while the sun has been in Libra. Now, as the sun moves into Scorpio, comes the time for anagnorises and — hopefully — self and Self acceptance.

The key words for navigating these last couple of weeks of October are


In Western Culture, there seems to be a fundamental abhorrence to the concepts of receptivity, vulnerability, and surrender — which directly feeds into the power dynamics that 2020 and the pile up in Capricorn are making impossible for us NOT to finally come to terms with.

This system’s primary characteristic is the binary of WINNER and LOSER —and necessitates oppression: In order to be a “winner”, you need to be the one in power, exerting control, having results manifest in line with your desires, claiming your “manifest destiny”. Yet, often, the more we “win” and/or the more we are seen as “winners”, the only thing that ever really changes is the amount of pressure exerted upon the ego to die on this hill of perpetual progress. Losers, otoh, are those without and/or are denied agency and whose lives do not manifest their desires — whether that is due to being defeated or exploited by a “winner” — and are therefore deemed less worthy, less human.

It isn’t a sustainable model — whether in micro- or macrocosmic context…2020 has been INTENSELY LOUD in showing us this as the pandemic and its socioeconomic political fall out have been dealing all of us lessons in being denied agency, surrendering to circumstances outside our control, and confronting issues around fear, identity, worth, and connection.

The sign of Scorpio is often describes in terms of a “dark night of the soul” — and why? Because it encapsulates the process of reckoning with our true value, understanding over what we have control, and surrendering our fears in order to BE our power and hence freeing us to merge with another. Scorpio season gauges our ability to engage in intimacy — whether that is psychological, emotional, intellectual, or financial. And what is intimacy predicated on? TRUST — in ourselves, in others, in the rightness of circumstance.

The next couple of weeks may test us to cultivate receptivity, vulnerability, and surrender to the outcomes of Libra season. We may especially find that we’re going over old ground regarding how we exert energy and take action to nurture ourselves in the area of life Scorpio covers in your chart — and what part our intuition and non-verbal perception play in understanding this area of our life — with both Mars still retrograde and Mercury now recently retrograde as well.

For those of you unable to attend the Astro Tea Time earlier this month, please give it a watch to get more in-depth insight into how these transits are affecting you (especially for your Rising Sign, Sun, and Moon signs).



Orgasm doesn’t happen without trust or surrender.

Maybe, for a treat, practice orgasming to move the process of understanding power from the body into the conscious mind.

Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.


Venus Finally at Home…


Those Libra Scales?