The Practical Astrologer

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Tea Time ~ December 2020

Astrologers Modupe Olufemi and Jaime Wright join me to spill the tea on December 2020's starscape — including the Sag Eclipse, Great Conjunction. Enjoy the playback. Pinkies up optional!

Here are the quick links (grouped by ruling planet):

December Overall Forecast ~ Eclipse, the Great Conjunction, Cancer Full Moon + other key dates

Since Tea Time provides the triple bounty of multiple forecast takes and we wanted to be able to field questions from attendees so that it wouldn’t be a monolithic talk, we decided to cover forecasts for the big 3 of those who attended. Hopefully, they overlap with yours if you were unable to be there. Here are the quick links (grouped by ruling planet):

Gemini + Virgo
Libra Aries
Sagittarius + Pisces

Bonus Q+A

If you love Mo + Jaime’s insights as much as I do, here are the deets:

Follow + Book on Twitter @austral_taur


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