The Practical Astrologer

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Under Construction

Hard Hats On…

In the immortal words of fellow Leo Sun, George Bernard Shaw, “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh or they’ll kill you.” Let’s all keep that in mind as we gaze up at this seemingly humorless starscape that remains with us through the remainder of 2021.

Footings, Foundation, and Framing

I know you don’t want to do it, but let’s rewind to roughly December 2019 through the end of December 2020. If we’re going to roll with a construction metaphor, we’ll call assign this period to the “Excavation and Site Preparation” phase. The cardinal energy was literally pushing us into action — any action to get out of whatever situations in life had calcified beyond utility. If that meant the collapse of long standing structures we thought we could hang the fabric of our lives on or if that meant suddenly finding new ways of asserting our energy and identity in the world to enforce boundaries that we’d taken for granted or if it meant finding ourselves emotionally homeless because our intimate relationships no longer nourished us in ways that would allow us to thrive or if that meant sudden awareness of moral complacency through a come to god(dess) moment about injustice (personal or social), then that’s what that pile up in Capricorn and the nodes in Capricorn and Cancer forced us to face — a big ole demolished mess that had to be sorted, cleaned up, and cleared away.

And 2021 started with a lot of us staring at a big hole in the ground — there it was full of possibility — full of WORK! Like some person on Grand Designs staring at the plans designed with their architect but with an eye on the bank balance and the targeted move in date — and knowing that you and yours have only so much capacity to live in the rental house or with the in-laws or in the cramped on-site trailer before DISASTER.

Through the year, each of us, in our own way — like someone building their dream house, under this sky is getting a better understanding of what this metaphorical house is really about — HOME. Home is where you feel safe and where you can be fully you and KNOW BEYOND KNOWING that you are accepted and held and nourished — that YOU ARE ENOUGH IN THE MOMENT — which is all we really have. So far, this year is about how we are learning to contribute value with what we already have and unlearning that life and work are about extracting money or clout or all of those social constructs from an authoritarian that require us to be a separate, projected identity.

BUT HERE WE ARE…at the 3 F’s stage of construction and it isn’t going to be easy. Of all the planets to get us to lay down the footings, foundation, and framing of this home, we’ve got the ones we need in the form of Mars in Scorpio, Saturn in Aquarius, and Uranus in Taurus — and the rest of the planets, except the moon when it day trips through Cancer, will be answering to them. This configuration is called a t-square. It’s tense. Especially with Mars and Saturn in their own signs, each planet wants to go its own way — wants to be the one driving the build. Will there be pressure? Yes. Will there be conflict? Oh, yeah. Will it be dramatic? Like the birth of a volcano out of the icy arctic ocean.

The key to this configuration is giving each energy its due and figuring out how to negotiate the friction points. Mars in Scorpio wants you to be canny about how you use your energy — don’t go fighting every single person wanting to use the same hammer you were reaching for choose your battles and pick the ones you were made to win. Mars in Scorpio wants you to understand the depth of your power — especially to transform the fabric of your life and to see how far you’ve come in understanding who you truly are, what you stand for, how connected you are to why you exist. Mars in Scorpio wants you to birth your truest self…I mean, birth — it involves either 10cm of dilation or scalpels. So, you get the picture.

Now, Saturn in Aquarius, otoh, wants you to bring your A-game to the team. Saturn wants you to have a deep understanding of your personal genius — that gift that only you have — and to give that without hesitation or reservation or ego to the mission at hand, to your teammates in full support of them — because together we are building a world that will uplift us all. It doesn’t matter how big or small your contribution is — what matters is contributing and not worrying so much about what you get out of it — which is hard on a normal day but given that Mars is drawing you into this major energy investment of self birth, it’s like can a bitch get a Mai Tai and lie by the pool already? Is this house built yet?

Then you throw Uranus in there? Uranus has been shaking up the ground beneath us since 2019 that we’re like people who live in earthquake zones. “Oh, a 3.5?” <yawn> But now Uranus is getting activated by these other two. Uranus is like a cast member from Jackass yelling “YES!!!! IT’S ON!!!!” Uranus in Taurus has been at it harrowing the earth that has grown so compacted in our lives — especially around our themes of security, value, worth, pleasure, the ability to receive and grow something — and now he’s got these other guys to stir the pot…what might feel like for us is trying to build this house in an area full of sinkholes or — not to repeat myself — along a fault line. So, there might be feelings of “What is the point even?” The point is to make sure you are either building a foundation on THE TRUTH OF YOU (that Mars and Saturn are trying to get you to come to terms with) and/or that you are building a structure that is so innovative, so strong yet flexible, out materials that will last and be kind and sympathetic to the site on which your building and is really really gonna provide you home that no earthquake will shake it down.

Okay, But Specifics

This is already turning into a novel — and for the really juicy bits, you’ll have to come to Tea Time on December 5th otherwise this will be War and Peace — but here’s your quick guide — look firstly for your Ascendant sign and then your Sun and Moon:

FIXIES (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio)

Well, then, how does it feel to have to put your money where your mouth is? I mean, you’ve always thought that’s the greatest thing about you — your INTEGRITY, your HONOR, your unshakeable sense of YOU. And, now, life and events are saying “Is all that sparkles gold?” And you know how people use to test of if something was gold was to bite into it. Well, fun. It feels like life is taking a big bite out of you right now — and there’s blood and tetanus shots and a trip to the principal’s office involved probably. So what gives? This is the proving ground now, my fellow fixies. Are you who you say you are? Will you rise to the occasion to do the brave and scary thing? Whether that’s finally stand up to a system or an authority figure and — regardless of consequence — ask for your due, demand your true worth, command respect — or that’s having the audacity to do the unexpected thing of you and see it through to the end. You have been chafing under the bit to have a life that reflects who you know you are; but you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect a different result — your stubbornness and stick-to-itness is turning out the way you thought it would. You aren’t gonna be able to wait this out. The time is now — and the writing has been on the wall since January.

CARDINALS (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

Okay, so you already did the brave thing last year. You proved you were a boss. You said “Fuck this! I’ve gotta plan and box of dynamite, and let’s go.” You’ve auctioned off and gotten the value out of what had to go, released what literally no longer had any value and released the blame game of “why did I even waste my investment in that”, and you’ve spent this year researchingnew contractors, options, sourcing possible sources of financing and investment, interviewing potential teammates. Now, you need to make things concrete — consolidate and solidify. Get building and put yourself in the mind of the builders of the cathedrals — building for the glory of something greater than themselves and knowing that they wouldn’t see the finished product of their work — that their work was for generations to come. Most of them weren’t trained architects but people who had learned boots on the ground from their own mistakes and from the people and those more experienced they’d encountered along the way. Don’t worry about mistakes — they’re gonna happen and you, of all the modalities, were built to problem solve through them — they’re part of the process. It’s all a big experiment anyway! What you need to really watch out for is the bogeyman of self doubt and previous mistakes of potentially repeating yourself — which is why see the quote above. Anchor what you’re building with your understanding of the truth. It’s the touchstone that you have to keep coming back to.

MUTABLES (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

Oh boy…All y’all have had A YEAR! It’s been like the Universe has been playing a game of snatch away with you. Oh, here’s this thing that is gonna make everything awesome sauce and we’ve been waiting on it forever and then poof! Psych! But, then, what hasn’t worked out, has actually worked out even better, right? And, as mutables, you’re better than most with going with the flow, but by this point in the game, you feel like you’ve been stuck in a dryer with tennis balls. Well…just a little ways to go past the upcoming December 3rd eclipse…and then you’ll just have to deal with Jupiter next bloating you up like a night after eating really salty takeaway or sticking you in that tube of money like in The Price Is Right and saying “Okay, grab as much as you can get”…BUT I digress…right now, it’s best if you see the current trials and tribulations as a proving time for your ability to create order in your world. Stop laughing. You know what I mean. Mutables get a bad wrap for being “chaotic” and “boundary challenged” but hell if any of the other modalities can plant their feet solidly when it comes to making order out of things that should not go together — actually seeing PAST the static, processing all of the details and pixels in such a way that the big picture actually coalesces…but that’s the thing — right now, a higher calling is on the other end of that incessant ring you keep hearing — to step into that power — to exercise it in a way that you become real to you and you understand that you’re standing in that very still place at the center of the hurricane. This is the time when you have to stop pretending that the cyclone is battering you about and that YOU are the storm.

It’s All a Game — Keep Your Sense of Humor

Now, remember that this I said about keeping your sense of humor? The one fixed sign, Leo, is currently unoccupied but could be the key to finding joy and ease in what sounds like an INTENSE couple of months. Fundamentally, Leo is a sign about play. Leos are hard pressed to do things that they don’t find fun and don’t require the use of their imaginations, that don’t let them be who they are or pretend who they want to be without being disingenuous, that don’t end in eating ice cream and getting coddled. There’s a reason the term “Divine Child” gets bandied around when Leo comes up…Now, between Mars is being Mr. Intenso screaming “Push! Push! I see the crown!” and Saturn blowing a coach’s whistle right in your ear shouting “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can!” and Uranus — oh Uranus — giving you unexpected random zaps from a taser and giggling “That didn’t surprise you, did it?” if you can find a way to make it a game, take a moment to be 5 year old you dropping truth bombs like a honey badger, create a sacred space to enjoy your version of ice cream and cuddles and see that it’s you creating this life — this beautiful, at times terrifying, exhilarating, vibrant piece of art in motion — it’s your game, your marbles, your perception — and, ultimately, YOUR DREAM HOME — which is really you, that you’re laying the foundations for.

Tea Time!

Please join me via Zoom on Sunday, December 5th, at 2p PST, to wrap out 2021 and prep for 2022.

Time to audit the 2021 starscape to explore what energies and lessons from this year will best prepare us for what challenges and opportunities are coming at us for 2022.

Forecasts will be geared towards the charts of those in attendance.

Space is limited to 30.

A recording will be made to attendees after the Zoom.