The Practical Astrologer

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‘Tis the Season

For Dancing with Fire.

‘Tis the Season for Dancing with Fire

So, I had a whole blog post mapped out for you about the long passage of Venus in Capricorn — especially since Venus will be retrograding soon enough.

However, last Thursday and into the wee hours of Friday, my grand puppies decided to come into the world a day early…You should see them a week later! They’re double the size.

Anyhow, learning how to “grandmother” while mothering AND keeping up with consults has taken up the bandwidth that would otherwise go towards blogging and writing the 2022 previewdon’t worry, they’re all mapped out and waiting to come out of me…However, this puts me in mind of discussing the upcoming conjunction of Mars with the South Node — exactly on December 15th at 12:12a PT.

Choose Your Fighter

Mars will go from being his own boss in Scorpio, where he’s been challenging all of us to act with the wisdom and canny of the seasoned warrior to purge the toxins from our lives and emerge with a thorough understanding of our self-mastery, to Sagittarius — the wisdom seeking via experiencing the novel territory of Jupiter (who is making his way back home to Pisces). Although, Mars won’t be home, he’ll like where he’s at — mainly because he and Jupiter are friends, playing the same game — which is to bring energy where there are voids…Expect to feel a certain sense of ebullience — a zest to charge off over the horizon into terra incognita chasing “the Truth”, taking action fueled by the faith that “it’ll all work out” — let the Devil sort out the details.

However, Mars will have to run the gauntlet of the South Node before batting for the stands.

The South Node: The Karmic Ledger

Long story short, the South Node represents the lifetimes of experience, knowledge, and wisdom that we finally have to dispel in this lifetime so that we are freed of it. The best way to use it is as a basis for leaping into that unknown of the North Node — where our consciousness has never ventured but must now experience because we’ve mastered the skills that will help us navigate it — like an explorer who has spent hundreds of hours survival training and now ready to set off on the mission.

When planets conjoin the south node, it’s a trigger for this karmic release via the exercise of that planet with the cleansing happening in the houses ruled by it in your chart. With Mars, this truly becomes a conflagration — a bonfire for the vanities or an auto-da-fé.

Dancing with Fire

As someone who was born during the exact conjunction of Mars and the South Node and whose nickname is “Gasolina & Matches”, I have some strong opinions about how to handle what’s coming up over the next couple of weeks:

Firstly, do as fire does, and go with the flow of the fuel and air — this is not the time to be broken by circumstances or hung up on “what should have been” or what was planned. Focus on what is put in front of you to work on and try not to waste energy or FRUSTRATION on what you’d rather be doing. If the Universe needed you to work on that, you would be; any frustration that surfaces up will be your ego being butt hurt that it isn’t calling the shots. You’re being guided to where the opportunity to burn away karma is possible. TAKE IT. Otherwise, you’ll have to deal with it multiplied if you kick the can down the road.

Secondly, remember all that work you did while Mars was in Scorpio to birth the authentic you and the solar eclipse in Sagittarius purified the relationship between how you nurture yourself and what you need from others — especially in regards to cultivating wisdom and a broader cosmic perspective? Well, this is it. Like the final battle scene in Lord of the Rings, you’re fighting from a well thought out place of your OWN and pure conviction, AND you have to go big or go home. This is the proving ground. And you know what? Win or lose, whatever the outcome, BE A GOOD SPORT…at the end of it, it should be feel like an amazing workout — drenched in sweat, mind and body yoked, and energy properly dispelled. See the quote above — at the end of it all, what gets burned away is the ego and the karma if you completely throw yourself into it.

Thirdly, be mindful that this energy, ESPECIALLY in Sagittarius, is calling on you to act on behalf of the “highest good” and not from a self-serving or self-aggrandizing place. Saturn in Aquarius is watching you and keeping receipts! The spiritualizing function of the South Node needs for the planetary energy to be “sacrificed” on the altar of the greater good in order for “wise freedom” to be born. Before you go in guns charging (because the double heat of this conjunction will have a load of people with very short fuses), ask yourself, “Who benefits if I bust out my flame thrower/fire tipped arrows?” If you are on the top of that list and no one else is on there, maybe count to ten before you decide to unleash hell.

Finally, I cannot repeat this enough. Allow compassion (for yourself and others) and wisdom (to know when to and why you are engaging) to guide you.

Now, You’re Ready to Dance…

Read below first for your rising, followed by Moon and Sun signs.

MUTABLES (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces)

This will all be pretty much front of house for you. You may be called upon to show up in a big way and interface with your world in such a manner that you are given the opportunity to truly redefine how you are perceived and pave a new pathway to self-realization and -acceptance. Time to burn away all the brush on the forest floor so that new growth can take place.

CARDINALS (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

Be prepared to problem solve. The circumstances will finally arise to get some projects or environmental situations that have been lingering and blocking you from optimum capacity done, dusted, and made history. This may involve having to push past really big and deep fear boundaries and releasing attachment to particular outcomes (i.e., focus on how you should “feel” on the other side rather than it should be exactly like xyz) by fully stepping into your courage and self- and Self-belief.

FIXIES (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

There will be a sense of relief now that Mars isn’t helping Saturn and Uranus to breathe down your neck, but now is the time to consolidate — whether that’s wins or losses — in that paradoxical way Fixies are called to do — by expanding the understanding of the boundaries around your resources — whether those are your money, your genius/talents, the money your share with others, or your net worth. Maybe it’s time to throw those old ways of managing them (that might have worked in the past but now aren’t set up to truly sustain you or allow you to fully add value to the systems in which you participate) into the incinerator and don’t look back.

Anyhow! Back to puppy tending! Hoping to get Venus in Capricorn out sooner rather than later — because I LOVE VENUS IN CAPRICORN…but Mars and the South Node are upon us! And I particularly want all y’all to be forewarned and forearmed!