The Practical Astrologer

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Let’s Get Practical

A Guide to Incorporating Astro into Your Life | Part 1

The Most Auspicious Day of the Year

So, this missive is going out on the most auspicious day of the Vedic calendar, Akshaya Tritiya. On this day, in the sidereal zodiac, both the sun and moon are in their signs of exaltation — so both are at the height of being able to bestow what they signify — respectively, what we need to do to realize our self/Self and what we need from our relationships and environment to feel nurtured, nourished, and secure — and come into alignment in our lives.

The day is considered free from malefic effects and challenges so it’s a great day to initiate projects that need the benefit of fortune and that you’d like to be the recipient and or font of long term beneficence. Supposedly, you don’t need to elect any times today because they’re ALL GOOD (until 7:02p PST tonight).

Many people buy gold (and or similar “wealth containers”) on this day for themselves and to donate with this in mind. And philanthropic donations will benefit from this energy and do exponential good.

With that said, we all need a day like this between these eclipses to connect to our core understanding of how the sun and moon are functioning — especially against what is being shaken up in our lives and in the world in general. Investing in our belief in positive outcomes for our future selves while being able to be grounded in the present moment is a key component in our journeys.

So, even if you aren’t initiating projects, buying gold, or the lot, PLEASE take the time to sit with yourself and consider reiterating to yourself

What do I — and no one else does — that shines a light into the world? What do I need to do for myself to ensure that I can continue to do this? What one action can present me do TODAY to set up future me for success?


“What do I really need from the people I rely on AND my personal environment to feel nurtured and secure? How do I (or don’t I) ask for this thing? What action can I do today to be present, honest, and vulnerable in this relationship (or relationships) so that our dynamic is set up for success long term? What action can I do today to make my environment feel more secure or comforting for me now?”

Incorporating Astrology into Your Life

So, we’re in the midst of Taurus season, and I’ve been trying to push this out to all y’all since April 19th — and it’s coming out the chute come hell or high water today!

You know me, my Venus in Virgo is all about imparting practical value. Sure, you’ll get the woo woo strategy here and there, but, for the most part, I want you to be able to USE astrology to optimize how you utilize your focus, energy, resources, and time.

With that said, it’s come to light that with the “moment” astrology is having, it’s a little bit like when some new OS comes out for your smart phone that has a bunch of features built into it but they’re all hidden and you have to read a bunch of articles to find out that a three figure tap will magnify your screen. So, this is a three-part users guide to how to incorporate astrology into your life — and potentially de-mystify all the different readings and services and types of astrology that are out there and figure out what actually works for you.

Part 1: Astrology for Self Discovery

So, most of us happen upon astrology first as a fun way to frame what’s going on in our lives via horoscopes available online and then we start to read about our sun sign — because you don’t need to cast a chart for that unless you were born at the borders of two signs — or maybe download an app. Either way you get there, what’s pulled you in is that very human need to deepen your understanding of your self/Self.

A Primer: Yes! Computer Generated Reports

Truly, a great way to start out is by delving into computer generated reports. Truth be told, that’s what helped progress my education back when the internet was a baby in diapers since astrology books were difficult to come by and not in enough volume to satisfy a Rahu Mahadasha filled hunger for knowledge! I haven’t ordered one in years, but I’m sure is still serving them up as are and

Read as many as you can for both your own chart as well as the charts of people close to you. There are some written by eminent astrologers and they will teach you multiple ways of looking at the basics — What are the houses? What do the planets signify? How do the signs influence how planets express themselves? What are the ways xyz transit can play out? They will also provide great insight into the different methodologies available to you.

Where computer generated charts (and often apps) will fall short is synthesis. It’s like the technical challenge on the Great British Bake Off when you get the instructions and ingredients but there isn’t anyone there to connect the dots. Okay, so my Sun is in the 10th house ruled by Cancer and the 10th house is about career and being in the public but Cancer is about home, family, nourishment. Huh?

It’s at this point, most people either hit a wall in their own personal study and decide that it’s just fun to read my horoscope and not worry too much about it — though that unfed curiosity is still hungry, knowing that there’s more. Maybe you start following and astrologer on social media and hope they speak about your placements; OR you go get a reading from a professional astrologer.

Leveling up: Getting into that Chair

Or, more likely these days is that Zoom meeting.

So, all those computer generated reports and following those astros has been enough, and you decide I need someone to piece this together for me!

Figure out what methodology works for you. There are multiple techniques out there (and this is by no means an exhaustive list):

Hellenistic and Medieval/Renaissance utilize a contemporary understanding of astrology as practiced in Classical Greece, Arabia, and the European Renaissance. They use the tropical zodiac and also tend to be influenced by the philosophies of their time period and center the individual. My go to is Mo Olufemi ( ).

Another great historical technique is fixed star parans which utilizes an ancient technique. Two practitioners I highly recommend following and learning more from are Amaya Rourke ( ) and Òscar Moises Díaz ( ).

Then, of course, there’s jyotish — also commonly called Vedic or Hindu astrology — which has been practiced in India for millennia and is often found to be integrated into the fabric of personal and social life there. (In 1955, the Indian government even created a committee, the Indian Calendar Reform Committee, to formulate and standardize its zodiac so that it could enforce using the same dates for Hindu religious festivals, which are determined by astrological factors — hello Akshaya Tritiya!) For the most part, practitioners use the sidereal zodiac and the nakshatras (which is a lunar division of the sky) as well as timing periods called Dashas. Jyotish tends to focus on helping people remediate issues in the chart with time tested techniques; but it can be a bit fatalistic for some Westerners. My big jyotish crush is fellow Carnegie Mellon Alum, James Braha ( ) as well as Lada Duncheva ( ) and Claire Nakti — omg her youtube videos are a treasure trove of knowledge ( ).

Other Eastern practices include Bazi (which I’m currently obsessed with) that is practiced in conjunction with Feng Shui. An amazing practitioner is Vicki Iskandar ( ).

Of course, there are a scores of schools of modern astrology and if I listed them all out, we’d be here for days and I wouldn’t get this out before our auspicious window closes. But there’s Psychological, Uranian, Evolutionary, you name it.

Types of Readings

So, what kind of reading to get?

Whenever you’re starting out with a new astrologer, PLEASE ask them which reading they recommend you should do. We’re really nice people and want to make sure you get the information that will be most helpful to you and addresses what has brought you to us.

Most of the time, what’s recommended is to start with a Natal Reading — this is the executive summary of your chart and will finally get all those ingredients together so that they resemble a cake you can actually eat! Most likely, you’ll review your Big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) and then touch on how the other planets play with them.

Not to speak for my colleagues, but it’s a dialogue, NOT a visit to the Pythia. So, pipe up. Let us know if we’re totally veering off course because there are dozens if not hundreds of different ways to interpret the chart. Your input helps shape the reading and what gets discussed — and, most likely, you will get what you need to empower yourself in this part of your journey of self discovery.

After the Natal Reading, most likely you’ll encounter Solar Return/Yearly Forecasts: These use the chart of the moment when the sun goes back to its degree and minute of your birth. This chart provides a playbook for how your year most likely will unfold in terms of challenges and opportunities, and what areas of your life will be SUPER LOUD and need your attention.

My one big thing here: If you really vibe with your astrologer, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not make the Natal Analysis a one-off. In all honesty, we astrologers are literally unpacking our own natal charts ALL THE TIME because there’s so much there in the chart to unpack. If you find that you’re getting a lot by delving into your chart, do ask your astrologer if they do follow up sessions in order to get into greater depth.

Anyhow, that’s all for now! Off to walk and feed pups.