Whilst in the Eye of the Storm


Be still.
Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity.
— Lao-Tze

Huge apologies for getting this out to you so late — but it has been a week!

My mid-life crisis seems to have arrived along with the true Nodes of the Moon (aka the Nodes of Fate aka Rahu and Ketu) shifted into Gemini and Sagittarius this week; Mercury got up into the Sun’s lap (in a configuration called “cazimi” where Mercury is right on the sun and gets a power boost) on Monday, May 4th; the Scorpio Full Moon happened this morning at 3:45a PST; and Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter all look like they are grinding to a standstill in the sky.

If you want to find out more about my musings on the starscape, please check out the quick video I posted to IGTV yesterday (and please do not mind the flat girl cleavage — oops! I mean, who thinks to use tape when you’re just home on your own?).

TPA on Instagram

This week all boils down to:

With all of that gobbledygook sprouted, what’s the biggest takeaway for this week?


For those of you with Gemini and Sagittarius as well as Virgo and Pisces may feel a kind of pressure click into place and/or have fated seeming events or encounters happen out of the blue over the next 18 months that propel you into both a leveling up whilst karmically releasing and integrating matters that have preoccupied or bound you up to a certain identity over the last 9 and 18 years. However, remember that everyone has Gemini and Sagittarius in their chart somewhere in your chart and/or might have them as your profected sign for the year; so look to those to see where you are also being called to participate in this process. I will delve more into the subject and what opportunities and challenges to prepare for as we get closer to the first lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th.

My cardinal lovelies (especially Cancer and Capricorn but also the Aries and Libras) — if you have your ascendant, sun, moon, or the other traditional planets in these signs — you’re in the final stretch of the gauntlet you’ve been running for the last 16.5 odd months. (Contact me if you need a copy of your chart shot over to you.) There are two more eclipses in Cancer (June 20th) and Capricorn (July 4th) and then you are done until the nodal reversal in 9 years.


If you want to do any kind of Full Moon intentions, at this point, you will want to focus on “waning” matters — meaning that you will want to look at what energies and situations you want to “decrease” in your life. With the theme of the Scorpio moon being detoxification of emotional patterns, intimacy (or lack thereof) in relationships, or issues surrounding shared resources (aka “our stuff”) especially in how these areas of your life pertain to the people and circumstances from which you expect nurturing vis-à-vis how you need to nurture yourself by fully experiencing and inhabiting your body and your efforts to create your own material security (aka “my stuff”), focus your intentions on lessening influences that hinder you from achieving the balance of these two.


Finally, the heavenly spheres are “seem” to be grinding to a standstill…If you look up at the night’s sky, they look brighter and bigger because their orbits are bringing them closer to earth.

The strange thing with stationary planets is that many times they can impart that sense of slow motion that happens when you’re in flow (often when they are stationary direct) or when you’re in the midst of an event you’re completely out of control of (often during stationary retrograde). In terms of the latter, it’s like when you feel yourself tripping and falling through space or when an accident or emergency is in progress and it feels like time is slowing down so that your muscle memory/instincts and/or decision making speed up to meet the moment.

This might be what it feels like from now through to next week…life feels like it’s unfolding in slo mo so consciousness can catch up to see the truth of the moment and reality as it is. The challenge here is to LEAN INTO the stillness, PERCEIVE clearly, and TRUST your instincts. The worst thing to do while you’re in the midst of a fall (anyone who has been thrown from a horse or a bike can attest to this) is to overthink, let fear kick in, and tense up — that’s a recipe for injury. When you relax and yield to the force of gravity, sure you’ll land but it’s a way that allows your muscles to absorb and distribute the shock more evenly.

The planetary stations are setting us up to comb through what Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter have brought us since the beginning of the year. The task during the retrograde periods will be to home in on what relationships, lessons, and opportunities are worth investing in in terms of energy and attention versus what needs to be released.

More on this next week — or this will become a novel! Lol.

Stationary Retrograde Dates:

May 10 | Saturn @ 1°47’ Aquarius
May 12 | Jupiter @ 27°14’ Capricorn
May 14 | Venus @ 21°50’ Gemini



Relax. Listen. Trust.
Sometimes, the most active thing you can do is be still and receive information.

Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.


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