Clearing the Way…

Messages in the silence between sounds.

Let’s dance
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let’s sway
Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight
— David Bowie, Let’s Dance

It’s almost here! The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn happening on December 21st — the portal (an oft bandied around word by spiritual practitioners) for the new lens through which we, as a macro-organism, will be asked to view our shared reality. In the sign of Aquarius, one of the great themes will be the harmonious orchestration of individual’s contributions into a symphony of human collaboration.

We’ve spent the last year confronted with the stark realities of what needs to change, being forced to face what the status quo and business as usual has often allowed us to turn a blind eye to: what our real, VALUE ALIGNED work as individuals and as a civilization is during the time we are allotted on this planet.

Your life is one note in the great symphony of the universe.

- Unknown

The coming eclipses on November 30th and December 14th will help us clear away the ideological and communication dross that might hamper our ability to start the "Great Reset” from a positive, productive, additive perspective…The key will be listening to what is happening in the silence amidst the hullabaloo.

As a recap, going into Holiday shopping weekend, Mo, Jaime, and I discussed the hot button transits of November 27th and going into the lunar eclipse on November 30th during Tea Time. For a refresher, watch that clip here:

Tea Time Starscape for Black Friday + Gemini Lunar Eclipse

It’s a potentially volatile weekend with Venus not in her best shape in Scorpio facing off against Uranus in her home of Taurus on Friday followed the next day by Neptune finally stationing direct after months of being retrograde.

Have you found this week filled with crazy dreams as our collective unconscious attempts to get some KEY messaging across the barrier of the subconscious mind? Hopefully, you’ve been able to dream journal or take time for meditation in order to process.

With the Venus/Uranus opposition, be on the lookout for sudden revelations that cause you to question what you really value — or lashing out when others cast doubt on the validity of what you need for security and to establish trust and intimacy. It’s also a time during which — especially because of holiday shopping — that you NEED to be extra cautious with your information whilst shopping online.

As for Monday’s eclipse, it could potentially be a doozy. The moon will be on fixed star Aldebaran — the Eye of the Bull — a star known for empowering those with placements on it to doggedly pursue and realize their visions IN REAL LIFE. Standing opposite it will be the Sun on fixed star Antares — the Eye of the Scorpion — a star that achieves victory through smiting its enemies. With the nodes of the moon witnessing (therefore why this is an eclipse), you can begin to imagine what sort of integrative process this will trigger in the Moon (what we need from other people and our environment to feel secure and nourished) in Gemini, seeking to understand self via the verbal and intellectual mirroring of others and Sun (what we personally need to do to nurture ourselves and share our divine spark) in Sagittarius, questing for wisdom and an understanding of cosmic order.

Both signs love to endlessly talk it out — one analyzing and the other pontificating. The challenge could be to listen for what’s been left unsaid.



You know that feeling — before a big event? You’ve pictured it countless times — every detail and moment. You’ve put yourself into the emotional space to will it into being…and, now, there you are — right before the proverbial curtain rises.

How do you feel?

Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.

Tea Time ~ December 2020


Tea Time ~ November 2020