Last Call

Purification + Clarity

The offering up or cleaning up ego stuff is called purification. Purification is the act of letting go. This is done out of discriminative awareness. That is, you understand that you are an entity passing through a life in which the entire drama is an offering for your awakening.
— Ram Dass

It’s been a weird week. Monday’s Mercury Cazimi seems to have played out very literally for almost everyone I spoke with — which makes sense with Mercury being in very literal Taurus.

Cazimi’s, as expounded in 911+In Honor of Jupiter’s Cazimi, is when a planet goes into “the heart of the sun” — both to join with the king / soul and to be purified of ego based attachments that detract from the planet’s function. Mercury (the Intellect) gets “purified” more than most planets except the Moon (the Mind). Because they are the planets with which we most readily interface with manifest reality, both are prone to the kind of mental and emotional clutter that tend to distract us from being spiritual beings having a human experience.

Taurus is, for my money, the most embodied of signs. In Taurus we are challenged to experience the delight of embodiment via our senses. Here Venus, Taurus’ ruler, challenges us to attain enlightenment by being so completely in the moment-to-moment that we truly enter a state of nirvana — standing still with the past, present, and future collapsing into a single point of consciousness. (Perhaps there’s a reason that the anniversary of the Buddha’s birthday and enlightenment happens during the first full moon during tropical Taurus season — don’t “@” me, jyotishis, I’m not saying anything about the Buddha’s rasi placements.)


Even though Mercury and Venus are besties, here in Taurus, Mercury can get bogged down in the literal, in sensual indulgence, in accumulation and mistake what is perceived by the senses as the only reality. Mercury might hoard from the most creative and best of places — oh, I should keep that, I could totally do a craft project with that later…but, inevitably, a closet full of for use “later” items weighs Mercury down — who really should be able to pack up and get on the move at a moment’s notice.

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So, Monday’s cazimi found a lot of us throwing out years of clutter — not only freeing up actual space in our offices, homes, cars, but shifting Mercury’s energy so that it can manifest the realities most aligned with Venus’ intention here in Taurus — purifying it in a Sun that understands that only by illuminating what is and is not physically necessary can we sometimes grasp the soul’s whole point of incarnating as well as fulfilling its other function of bringing prosperity and life into a body.

As for myself, beginning the process of clearing my space — with the goal, as stated by my Feng Shui consultant, Maureen Spence, was ultimately to get me to love my home again and to feel supported and safe in it so that that would shift the energy around my prosperity and my relationship with my landlord. OMG. Girls. The process made me face the reality that my space had become a manifestation of the trauma of my childhood and the constant feeling of being unwanted, unwelcome, and unworthy of nurture…and how this has followed me around and colored my entire life — from my career, to my relationship with prosperity, to my relationships with partners and creative collaborators, to the fact that I denied myself certain basics that my upbringing had convinced me I wasn’t good enough for.

This whole revelation was similar to the one I had during the last eclipse season when the eclipses were at the start of the Aries/Libra eclipses and wrapping out of the Taurus/Scorpio ones — when my eyes were opened to how I’d normalized being mentally, emotionally, and physically abused in my relationship and how, to continue being on planet Earth, I would have to make some fundamental changes to both my physical circumstances and what I was consciously focusing my life on — and how to best share the gifts the Universe imbued as part of the bundle of this incarnation.

May books are open!

It’s a great time before the next eclipse to check in and use this framework to unpack your personal eclipse story.


Because really, our gifts are not simply for our own delectation. They are bestowed upon each and every one of us to share generously with the world and communities in which we participate — but sometimes you need a Mercury cazimi and a couple of eclipses to clear the scales from one’s eyes and get some clarity.

As for this upcoming Scorpio eclipse on Friday, it’s a “Last Call” of sorts — to stir waters that have become fetid in our lives and release emotional clutter that clouds our ability to understand how we draw strength from our connections to others by being honest about our vulnerabilities — both to ourselves and the outside world. We may find ourselves taking that final shot of passion that tips us over into worshipping pukey and vowing “No more! I can’t do this anymore!” Whilst not the most pleasant of experiences, that purging that stills an unhappy vagus nerve brings relief and injects a moment of sobriety that could lead to some decisions that claw you out of the dark night of the soul into the light of day into a more genuine experience of the light you carry within you…and so that you can share your gifts with the world in a way that makes your soul sing.



What part of your life seems to be putting out a “Last Call” for you to experience one final time before releasing it completely?

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Lots of light,


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Anak Rabanal

Generating ideas and then finding ways to marshal available resources and teaming up with others is what I was born to do. Whether it's helping a filmmaker strategize a crowdfunding campaign, researching a competitive landscape for an entrepreneur's business plan, or building a website that helps an artist launch a new project, my greatest joy is working with and learning from people who are passionate about and dedicated to positively impacting the individuals and world around them.

That’s a Wrap


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